July 26, 2008 Saturday
Today was a long day saying goodbye to all our friends, off to the airport, and now in Korea. We got on the correct shuttle bus to the Capital Hotel, got a taxi, and he took us to the Dragon Lodge. We had to drag our suitcases up the hill to the gate, and then to the Lodge. What a sight we were with all our bags. You would think we were not seasoned travelers….well I guess we are not. We spent the evening trying to contact people to find our way to church in the morning. I think we have determined to take the subway. Now someone who has not traveled as much as us may shrink at the idea of being in another country, not knowing the language or our way around, and attempting to find their way in the subway. I think the Lord will honor our efforts. Tune in tomorrow for the rest of the story.

July 27, 2008 Sunday
Wehad a good Sunday here. We never heard back from Diane's contact about church so we used every way we knew to find a meeting. The only Korean branch to have an address and directions on the internet, was an English speaking one, so we decided to take a chance on the subway and just went. We had a prayer before we left. While trying to figure out where we were going we found three people dressed in Sunday clothes and finally got up the nerve to ask them if they were headed to church. It turned out they were. They were two Army dentists stationed around here. The woman was one of their wives. They were so wonderful and we just followed them around all day really. We had a wonderful meeting and afterwards the branch had what they called a "Linger Longer", and they provided us with a wonderful lunch/dinner. After that we all took the subway to the Korea temple and walked around the temple grounds. A Korean security guard came over to us and started to talk to us as we entered the grounds. His name is Brother Kim.
When he found out we were from Alaska, he asked if I knew a Brother Mahoney? (did I spell that right?) Anyway when we realized he was talking about Mont Mahoney, he was so thrilled that I knew him. He went and got his coat with an LDS pin on it. He said Mont had given him that pin. He told me he knew Mont 40 years ago and that Brother Mahoney spoke excellent Korean. We took a few pictures and then left. He followed us with his camera and wanted pictures. He was so very sweet. I told him my daughter was in the same ward with Mont and told him that I would relay his love through Aimee. It was such fun. anyway....wherever you go in the church, it seems you find connections
Our new Mormon friends actually went all the way back to the post with us and gave us exact directions for our other trips tomorrow and for our temple trip on Tuesday. I felt like the Lord had blessed us for our desires and provided us with angels to guard and protect us. To be honest, when we left, we really did not know we would ever find the church. We had this lesson on faith in Sunday School. One of the quotes by Br Packer that said faith meant taking a step or two in the dark before we would see the blessings. I felt we were honored to feel that blessing today.
We are safe and thrilled to have this opportunity.